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Jesus Centered Journal

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The power of studying the Names of Jesus will surprise you as it bears spiritual fruit and causes you to love and fear Jesus more! 

You'll turn to this devotional journal again and again as it grows your faith!

To know Jesus and the power of His resurrection was the prayer of Paul and should be our goal, too! You can know Jesus more deeply in SHORT DEVOS with a different Name of Jesus for 31 days or use it in whatever schedule you desire!

Get the Jesus-Centered Journal today! Start to Know Christ, His Power, and to have the spiritual fruit of faith and fear of the Lord grow in your life!

(You can begin right away! It is a digital product. Nothing will be physically mailed to you--you will receive the download link in a thank you email immediately and be able to begin your study right away:)

Paul said in the Bible,

"Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.


  • The power of studying the Names of Jesus will surprise you as it bears spiritual fruit
  • The simplicity of using this Journal means it won't take much time in the morning or whenever you choose to build it into your routine
  • You'll have a closer relationship with Jesus
  • Learning the Names of Jesus will grow your faith
  • Causes you to love and fear Jesus more
  • Know WHO He is by what He calls Himself
  • Have a place to write out prayers that use His Name, and praying in Jesus' Name is His desire, and He listens
  • Praying in Jesus' Name will become a habit, and you'll see answers to your prayers in His Name
  • Worship and praise will naturally result
  • You'll know Jesus more intimately, which is most pleasing to God
  • You will see other parts of your life changed, too, by prioritizing the most important thing: to know Christ and be known by Him


  • A beautifully designed devotional journal
  • It includes 31 Names of Jesus
  • Definitions
  • Explanations
  • A Bible verse
  • A journal prompt
  • Lovely journal pages to write your thoughts down
  • A space for you to write our a prayer using the Name of Christ you just studied


Q: How long will it take me

A: The simplicity of using it means it won't take you much time in the morning or whenever you choose to build it into your routine!

Q: How will this help me spiritually

A: The power of studying the Names of Jesus will surprise you as it bears spiritual fruit and causes you to love and fear Jesus more! You'll turn to this devotional journal again and again as it grows your faith.

Q: Why should I choose a study on Jesus' Names

A: Praying in Jesus' Name will become a habit, and you'll see answers to your prayers in His Name. You'll know Him more intimately, which is most pleasing to God!

And, You will see other parts of your life changed, too, by prioritizing the most important thing: to know Christ and be known by Him.

Get the Jesus-Centered Journal Today!

    Jesus Centered Journal
    Jesus Centered Journal
    Jesus Centered Journal