About Me: Wendy Gunn | Your Home For God

I know what it's like. Have you ever been trying to do it all, but felt like a failure? I felt inferior, "not enough," "less than," and compared myself, copied my friends, competed and coveted others' lives.
You know how you feel like everyone else knows what's going on, but you're clueless? Oh, and did I say I was severely obese?
That was me until one day I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. On a Tuesday they found two football-sized tumors inside me. After many people and groups prayed for me, three days later, on Friday, surgery was done and they found only one (still football-sized tumor) inside of me. I had chemo and am now celebrating 22 years cancer-free. I'm pretty much a walking miracle. You can read my story here.
God changed me that day. From that day on I knew that my story was unique, and I was created by God uniquely, for a purpose. It has become my passion to communicate to you that you, too, are uniquely created by God for a purpose, and to help you find and fulfill it. God is writing a story in and through our lives, and I've learned that He transforms us more through the trials than the triumphs.
The next year, with a determination to be healthier, I lost 50 lbs.
I began achieving big goals after that. I thought, "If God can do that in my life, He can do anything!" Since then I've lost another 50 lbs., started an online business, raised children to adulthood who love the Lord and are walking with Him, and much more.
So, let me welcome you! I am so glad you're here! 
I would love to get to know you better! If you were at my house, I'd say, "Come on in! Can I get you some coffee or tea?" So, please get yourself something hot (or cold, if you'd prefer) to drink and sit a little bit with me. Let me tell you what you'll find here and a little bit about myself.
I am Wendy Gunn, the owner of Your Home For God LLC and it's so nice to meet you!
Wendy Gunn, Your Home For God, About Me

Wendy Gunn and Family--Our daughter's and son-in-law's wedding day

You will find help in the areas of Organization and Goals and Achieving God's Goals For You

Who I Am

Who am I? I'm a wife, mom, Homeschooler--we Homeschooled all the way through and once a Homeschooler, always a Homeschooler:) I'm a believer in Jesus Christ. I'm a speaker, writer, and entrepreneur with a passion to help Christians.

I want you to know how uniquely-created-by-God you (and your family) are--there's not one other person or family on earth like you! To grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, to show you how to raise Godly kids, and to give you the tools and resources you need to get organized, and prioritize and accomplish God's goals for you--focused, clear, consistent, and successful. You can do it!

I've achieved going from disorganized to organized, obese to losing almost 100 pounds, a procrastinating perfectionist, to someone who gets it done! All by God's grace. I will help you to achieve the goals God created for you!

I'll help you see God's Hand upon your life every day! Through the wonderful, but also the horrible, days. And the in-between mundane days, the happy, and just-gotta-shake-your-head days, as He writes a wonderful, unique story of His Faithfulness in your life, through every day and trial you go through.


How I Will Help You Be Organized, Accomplished, and Fulfill God's Purpose For You

I have a passion to tell you how unique and special you are to God and how important your life is!

I want to share with you the message that God made you one-of-a-kind! Let that sink in! NO ONE like you. God loves you, made you, and made your life unique in order to use you for His glory. That means He even loves you so much and is so powerful that He can use your awful life experiences, as well as your wonderful ones.


    Life Tips and Encouragement!

    Advice, tips and resources from someone who’s been changed by God, (inside and out, including losing almost 100 pounds) about what’s important to God in your life, and how to make your life bring glory to Him. I'll share what He's taught me, and about the fabulous plan God has for you, and how you can be make a difference in your world!

    Help to Manage Your Home

    A favorite topic of mine is how to consistently keep your home picked up, decluttered, and in order, cleaning tips, organizing, getting your kids to help and what they can do at the different ages of your kids, ways to train them--these are all included and more!

    Time and Home Management Tips

    One of my favorite subjects is planning and organizing to make life run more smoothly! Get my Busy Mom Organized Life Workshop for sensational, simple secrets to organize your days, home, and life!

    Marriage Tips from an Imperfect Wife

    I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ at 19, met my husband a year later & two years after that we were married! During required pre-marital counseling classes, we took every kind of personality and compatibility test there is, I think. On the resulting graphs, wherever my husband went up, I went way down. Wherever I went up, he went way down. We were complete opposites!

    A week before we were to be married, our pastor looked at us and said,,

    "You can still change your minds."

    With that inauspicious beginning, we celebrated our 44th anniversary this year. We were blessed to go on a dream trip to Italy for our 40th anniversary (I encourage you not to give up on your dreams! and saving all those mileage points added up:), and we had the joy of our son, daughter and son-in-law traveling with us. Because I’ve been there, in marriage, I can help you. It hasn't always been easy, but I've learned things that have helped me. You can have a good, though imperfect marriage!

    I have a testimony of victory over bitterness. I've learned how to live with someone who doesn't think like I do haha! Faithfully married for almost 45 years has given me tips to share with you. Marriage is hard work, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But, it is so worth it, and a picture to the world of the relationship of Christ and the Church. 

    I'm blessed to have a husband who loves the Lord, the most important part, and who eventually became the spiritual head of our home and our homeschool! A testimony there, too!

    Our daughter and son-in-law, Kelsey and Daniel

    Help to Achieve Your Goals

    Get my course, Mastering Your Goals! 

     Because I wasn't born organized, and have come from where you are, to achieve big goals, through God's power, and all He's taught me, I can help you to become organized, set goals you'll accomplish, and achieve the purpose God created you for!

    Wendy Gunn, Your Home For God, My Children, About Me

    Our children, Dane and Kelsey

    Parenting Tips

    Have I got stories to tell you! God has taught me so much through parenting and Homeschooling that I would love to share with you in hopes that you won’t make all the same mistakes I did! Bottom line, it’s by God’s grace that now, we are blessed to have two adult children who love the Lord Jesus Christ, and are walking with Him, and growing in Him. 

    Our daughter, Kelsey, was married in November, 2017, and lives with her wonderful husband, Daniel, and their Golden Retriever, Lucy, in another state. Yes, we miss them like crazy!

    Our son, Dane, is still single and lives and works about 40 minutes away from us. When he’s not working on his house, or the townhouse he owns, which he rents out, or growing herbs to cook in Italian dishes he's making, or traveling all over the world, which is one of his passions, we see him often and love seeing the Godly man he's become.

    That's a little about me. Hit reply and let me know what you are struggling with--and check out all the resources in my store--there's something there to help you!

    Have a Great Day Making Your Home For God!

    I help Christians become who God created them to be, find and fulfill their purpose, and accomplish the goals He has for them, becoming a success both professionally and personally, through my courses and coaching.

    Subscribe to My YouTube Channel for more Encouragement and Tips!


    Your Home For God Blog: yourhomeforgod.com

    Contact me at: wendygunn@yourhomeforgod.com